Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fun Fun Fun

This last week Hannah and I have been inside.... A LOT. I have been so extremely tired and not feeling the greatest, aside from me suppose to be on "rest". I have been feeling kinda bad that she has not had a play date and we haven't gone to the park in I don't know when. So I decided to let her have some fun. I finished a report for work and then let her have it. And she had a blast.

After that she thought she would work like mommy does. She snuck up to my work computer while I was brushing my teeth, and started working. As soon I came out and said Hannah, she bolted, she knew she wasn't suppose to be playing up there. But it was too cute not to have taken a picture and to enjoy the fact that she wants to be like me.
I love those puckered lips.
We also went on our first camping trip with Hannah. With all the fears and worries about weather and noise and Hannah, it was Great! Despite a friend getting hurt :( but the trip was overall a success and I can't wait until we can go again.
Hannah kept Mom busy, she walked her.
Oh and the Dirt this girl ate.... minerals right? :/
She stayed bundled up at night.
We enjoyed all Hannah's meals inside Jim and Chela's trailer, it was nice to have her sit at a table. Thanks guys!
Daddy kept busy, taking care of Hannah and hitting the dirt. This boy needs to get out more often, he really missed it.
Seriously she was so happy the whole time we were out there.
Bedhead. She did great for being in a tent. I feel like Why did we wait so long. Everything was great, she is a natural born camper. I can't wait to plan our next trip.

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