Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Unplugged. Unprocessed. Challenged.

I have been really challenged lately. I really want the best for my family, for our life. I am really sad that my time off is slowly coming to an end, I go back to work in two weeks. I know that it is the best for our family at this time. And I am so very thankful that I get to work from home, but there is a great deal of time that I spend working at home and not playing with my kids. I do pray that there will be a time that I can stay at home and devote my days to my children. But until then, I will go and work. And use my time that I have and make it quality time.

Wanting what is best for my family, I have been really watching what we are eating. We have been eating less processed foods. I am feeling great, and eating the way that God intended it to be has been really good. After learning about what some of the ingredients that are in our foods that we eat everyday it is kinda scary. It makes me want to make everything from scratch. But that is unrealistic, so I have been trying to make better decisions for our family. Jacob was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 4 years ago. Ever since then our food world has been totally turned upside down, we did really good at first, the slowly faded back into the life of processed. It is really easy to live processed, it is convenient and much cheaper, but not so heathy.

So with a little planning and reading of labels, we are making some progress. It has been over a week since we have eaten out, with the exception of frozen yogurt, my weakness ;). Bottom line, it is worth the extra time in the kitchen.

Tv. Internet.
In short, I am going to unplug more. Spend time where it really matters. I was pouring milk for Hannah yesterday when I suddenly realized, I am not going to get back the time I wasted today. Life is soooo short, and I do waste so much time watching tv or online or doing whatever. That being said, I am still going to have time for myself, wasting it away online and sitting in front of the tv. Just not when I could be doing something more fun with the kids or going outside and enjoying God's beautiful creation.

The World.
I want to make the most of today. Not living for tomorrow. I recently listened to a sermon by Pastor Barry that really brought new perspective in my life. I am no longer going to wait for tomorrow before I start living. If I wait for tomorrow to start serving, or doing the work of God, it is NEVER going to come, there will always be a distraction or hindrance, or I will never be good enough. So today is the day. Ministry starts at home, and that is perfect because that is where I am. I have thought that life would be so great if.... we had a house, a large lot of land, lived in the county somewhere, had all our debts paid off, had more time, but all those if's have been holding us (me) back from living for today. Today is the day that GOD gave us (me). So TODAY is the day to live for. Sure it would be great if we had all those things, but it is no reason to NOT live for today. Make the most of each moment.

Life starts today. Why wait. Be challenged.