Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring has Sprung

So where does the time go? I feel like it has been flying by me. I am so enjoying my little Hannah and getting so excited for our new Baby BOY to come this summer. We have been keeping busy so here is a little bit of what we have been up to.Playing at the Lake with Daddy. We had some really good weather a couple weekends ago, recently it has been raining and cold. I am looking forward to the change of seasons. I do really enjoy the rain, but I have found that I really do enjoy change. The warmer weather will be nice so we can do more outdoors again.
We went to a birthday party a couple of weekends ago. It was cowgirl themed and they had pony rides. So Hannah had her first Pony ride, as you can tell it didn't go so well. She was fine until they strapped her in.

She loves to do things just like mommy. Like wear my glasses or pretend to work. Her little personality has really bloomed the last couple of weeks. She really does love to pretend. She will pretend to pour a cup of water and drink it, or talk on the phone, or play with her babies. She is still babbling not much in the talking department, but don't let her fool you she does understand just about everything.
We went to the park the other day. In between the rain I took the opportunity to get out of the house and let her burn off some energy. I can't wait to have this next one, our little family will just have more fun as we become more complete.

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