Tuesday, June 7, 2011

8 months and almost there.....

I think that nesting has kicked in HIGH gear. I am not sure how I made it through this day. So here is how it goes.
Up at 6:01am thank you Hannah :)
Work, make breakfast, start laundry, pick up toys, start Thank You cards.
10:00 go to work, work and take Hannah to Moms group.
11:00 chase Hannah up a hill, she is a quick one.
11:45 go home, make lunch, put Hannah down for a nap, Work some more, finish Thank You cards, Hannah wakes up, finish laundry (3 loads) and put it away.
3:00 back to work, meeting..... over at 6:00
6:00 Target run.... gotta pick up stuff for the sick Hubby
7:00 still out, pick up dinner, come home eat dinner, give Hannah a bath, put Hannah to bed, shower and now blog.... it's 9:00
Boy I am tired! And I am going to add another one to the mix in about 5 weeks.

Lord give me strength!


HappyAndersons said...

Wow, that made this pregnant mama tired just reading it. But yea, you're almost there!!! So happy for you guys :)

Beth and Jacob said...

It's crazy because the rest of the week was even more chaotic. We are so excited to welcome little Noah, and get some of my energy back too :)