It has been three weeks now since Noah came into this crazy world. He is doing great. He is still a great eater, and sleeper, although he is sleeping less than he was when he was first born. He had a check up this week and has already gained a little over a pound. We don't have to go back for another check up until he is two months.
Hannah is adjusting. She is not really sleeping through the night, and has slept in our bed the last couple of nights. I have no idea what is going on with her. I am sure it's part teething, and part Noah, but it just makes for even less sleep for me and Jacob. She is super cute with her babies, she does everything I do for Noah for her babies, burps them, tries to put diapers on them. She is such a little mama.
I am almost fully recovered from delivery. It has gotten a lot easier to get out, although with this heat, I haven't really gone anywhere. I do look forward to doing more on the weekends when Jacob is home with us.
So here is the balancing act for me. Where do I find time to be a mom, wife, study the bible, and have time with friends, let alone plan dinners, keep up on housework, grocery shop and start thinking about when I can exercise? I haven't! It has been difficult for me in that aspect. I want to make the most of my time with my babies. I want to sit and just stare at Noah, like I did with Hannah. I want to take Hannah to the park for walks like I did before Noah was here. But the reality is, I can't. My time is now divided, it's been hard for me to accept this change. I knew that there would be change in having another child, but I didn't think it would be so hard for me to adjust. I have had some awesome women in my life speaking encouragement to me and reminding me that it is just a season. The biggest factor is this season is so short, as tired as I am I want to take in every moment with my babies, because before I know it, he will be the size of Hannah and she will be even bigger. Having Noah has made me realize how fast 21 months goes by because it was just yesterday that was Hannah.
I wish I could just press the pause button. I need to slow down. The housework is not as important as the memories I could be making with my family.