Awww the house is quite. Hannah is napping, which is great because she has been such a bad napper lately. Not to sure why (she has a cold) but is refusing to go in her bed, but today she finally went down for a good nap. I usually work or do house work while she sleeps but today I am having some me time. Jacob is at worship practice at the church. He probably won't be home until 7:30 or 8, so I am on my own.
A couple of weekends ago we went to the Art of Marriage, it was so amazing reignited passions in our marriage for each other. This year we will be married for 7 years and together for 12, crazy how fast time flies. I truly did marry my best friend, but over time of doing the day to day and starting a family, we kinda forgot about each other. God kinda got pushed aside from the center of us and just getting things done and laziness entered in. It wasn't terrible, but not balanced, not the way God intended it. So after going we are now rebalanced with each other and God is back in the center. Seeing Jacob as my Gift from God has totally shed a new light to him on how to see my husband. After all God did give him to me.
The weekend of the Marriage seminar I got a book in the mail that I had ordered for my birthday, The Home Experience. I have wanted this book for some time after hearing Devi Titus speak a number of times I knew that it was going to be great. I was really excited on God's timing too, I wasn't expected to get it just yet, and I was excited to continue what God had already started to do in my heart over that weekend.
So I am still on the first section of the book, but WOW! So many great principles. It really all begins in the home. Relationships for example, I never thought that what we practice and set in our home will carry over to Hannah and what she will consider to be the normal. I came from a house of chaos, not necessarily bad chaos but chaos it was always full of people, there was always a sink full of dishes and stuff, lots of stuff. It was the normal, and it did carry over to me. Chaos was ok in my house, granted it was more organized chaos than growing up but still I was ok with it. But I don't want Hannah to grow up thinking chaos is ok, that her mommy has a level of laziness that she is ok with. I started with my "Grand Central Station" my home, and began to clean and organize, I want to feel comfortable inviting people over without excuses or having to say, sorry for the mess. And its been great. I love having a clean home, dishes done, freshly dusted and the laundry is done and put away.
It has been really great having a clean home in the sense of Relationships. With a clean home, we have so much more family time. I am not so worried about what I should be doing, because it is already done. I can focus on my family. I am also spending way more time in the word, it has been so amazing fill my soul with quality time with the Lord every day. We are still fine tuning little things, and I must admit sometimes I really don't want to put away something or pick up Hannah's toys for the 50th time of the day, but when I do I have such a sense of accomplishment. I also feel like it carrying over to my character, and if I can that much more of an example to Hannah it is so worth it. I have noticed big changes in Jacob, like he started putting his dirty clothes in the hamper..... which is huge, without me even asking, it looks like it can be contagious.
Overall based upon what I have read so far, I LOVE it. and even more so the amount of scripture that is in the book too. I feel like it's the guide to becoming un-lazy in the modern day, how God really created a home to be. I can't wait to read more.... I am sure more Blog is to come about it.
Side note- it's now 8:14, life as a Mom, nothing ever goes as planned :)