I really want to get back into the word this year. I want to really make it a priority and give God the first of my time. But being a Mommy, working, being pregnant and a wife doesn't always work with me, more like against me. But I did, I started in the Old Testament and instead of following a big plan, I decided to start at the beginning and take it slow. There has been so much that I have read over and just missed or forgot over the years. This last week or so I have been reading about Noah. And I am just blown away by the love of our God. I have learned a lot too, fun fact, did you know that Noah took 7 of every clean animal and only 2 of every unclean animal...... that is a lot of animals. I also love that God's covenant with us is something we can still see today after the rain, the Rainbow.
But the part of the story that really spoke to me was that even though Noah walked with God, and was used by God in such a big way, and found favor by God; Noah was still human. Noah still sinned and got drunk and passed out. I sometimes can find myself beating myself up that I am not perfect, or that I have to live in this little bubble of Christians, but the truth is that God came to seek and save the sinners, the lost.
I guess it kinda gives me a lot to think about, who am I seeking after? I don't have to be perfect, and God will use me despite my own hangups about myself. But I am so glad to be taking it SLOW, I am really gaining so much more than if I was reading to just check a box or to say that I did.