Thursday, January 27, 2011

Taking it S....L....O....W

I really want to get back into the word this year. I want to really make it a priority and give God the first of my time. But being a Mommy, working, being pregnant and a wife doesn't always work with me, more like against me. But I did, I started in the Old Testament and instead of following a big plan, I decided to start at the beginning and take it slow. There has been so much that I have read over and just missed or forgot over the years. This last week or so I have been reading about Noah. And I am just blown away by the love of our God. I have learned a lot too, fun fact, did you know that Noah took 7 of every clean animal and only 2 of every unclean animal...... that is a lot of animals. I also love that God's covenant with us is something we can still see today after the rain, the Rainbow.

But the part of the story that really spoke to me was that even though Noah walked with God, and was used by God in such a big way, and found favor by God; Noah was still human. Noah still sinned and got drunk and passed out. I sometimes can find myself beating myself up that I am not perfect, or that I have to live in this little bubble of Christians, but the truth is that God came to seek and save the sinners, the lost.

I guess it kinda gives me a lot to think about, who am I seeking after? I don't have to be perfect, and God will use me despite my own hangups about myself. But I am so glad to be taking it SLOW, I am really gaining so much more than if I was reading to just check a box or to say that I did.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fun Fun Fun

This last week Hannah and I have been inside.... A LOT. I have been so extremely tired and not feeling the greatest, aside from me suppose to be on "rest". I have been feeling kinda bad that she has not had a play date and we haven't gone to the park in I don't know when. So I decided to let her have some fun. I finished a report for work and then let her have it. And she had a blast.

After that she thought she would work like mommy does. She snuck up to my work computer while I was brushing my teeth, and started working. As soon I came out and said Hannah, she bolted, she knew she wasn't suppose to be playing up there. But it was too cute not to have taken a picture and to enjoy the fact that she wants to be like me.
I love those puckered lips.
We also went on our first camping trip with Hannah. With all the fears and worries about weather and noise and Hannah, it was Great! Despite a friend getting hurt :( but the trip was overall a success and I can't wait until we can go again.
Hannah kept Mom busy, she walked her.
Oh and the Dirt this girl ate.... minerals right? :/
She stayed bundled up at night.
We enjoyed all Hannah's meals inside Jim and Chela's trailer, it was nice to have her sit at a table. Thanks guys!
Daddy kept busy, taking care of Hannah and hitting the dirt. This boy needs to get out more often, he really missed it.
Seriously she was so happy the whole time we were out there.
Bedhead. She did great for being in a tent. I feel like Why did we wait so long. Everything was great, she is a natural born camper. I can't wait to plan our next trip.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011.... 11 days in

11 days into the year, and I must say, I really have not done ANYTHING! I feel like such a bum, but that is ok. I continue to forget that I am pregnant so at least the days that I feel so lazy, there is a little room for grace.
I have really been enjoying my time with Hannah, she just cracks me up.
She walked around with the basket on her head forever. I love that she doesn't need "toys" to have a good time.
We got up early to watch Daddy play football with the church.
He got a little booboo :(
The best part of the year was to spend time with Great Friends! I love them so much. It has taken a little while to get past the pain of just missing Lauren and Karli in our daily life, but to see how much they are being grown and stretched in AZ in amazing.

I have had the privilege to meet with a couple of great women for a Bible study/ Prayer group over the last couple of weeks, and man the Lord has blessed my socks off by them. I am so excited for the season that the Lord is bringing me into. I am not out doing a lot of great works, or going through a huge life changing events, but just being here, doing the mom thing everyday. But to have such great support of veteran mommies that have been there and done that is so amazing. I pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and strength for everyday, and He has! I truly love being a Mommy and knowing that I get pour into Hannah's life, and that this really is the season and time that the Lord has ordained for me to be in really feels like a privilege. We are going to attempt our first camping trip this weekend with Hannah, so wish us luck!